Posted by Erick Vidal | Posted in petropolis city | Posted on 1:05 PM
Today I talked to you at CUIAS about my city in Brazil. So, if you are interested the following lines are about it.
Petropolis, also known as Imperial city, is situated close to Rio de Janeiro, 65 Km from the capital. Among mountains, rivers and forest hills, Petropolis have a population of about 300 thousand inhabitants and a humidity climate.
Petropolis is the city where the Portuguese Royal Family have lived. Before it becomes a city it was a farm called Córrego Seco, a place that D. Pedro I loved and intended to build a Summer Palace, but he didn’t get it. Only his son D. Pedro II could continue this project. So, the new Emperor ordered to build his Palace there, today this palace is the Imperial Museum of Petropolis. Even the name of the city came from D. Pedro II, Petropolis means city of Pedro (Pedro=Petro/Petra=Stone).In 1843, Germans were encouraged to immigrate and to settle on the Emperor's lands, to help give the Palace a charming urban setting. The places where they were settled received the names of the region they were from. Some decades after, these places become neighbourhoods and those names still alive, for example: Kastelaum, Mosel, Bingen, Ingelheim, Woerstadt, Rheinland, etc. However, when they settled they did an agreement that they should pay a fee to the royal family every year and also when they sell or buy some area in that land. Even today who lives in Petropolis needs to pay this fee.
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